
May 15, 2019

Cruise Ships on Order

172nd Revised Edition
May 15, 2019 - 20 pages


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> totally revised and extended edition

> stretching far into the late twenties

> unfolding dramatic changes and radical shifts of markets and technologies

> reflecting the experience  of a cruise ship supply chain veteran


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I owe the greatest measure of thanks to my Norwegian friend - Oddgeir Refvik - who has
been adding substantial value to the  AMEM  order book since many years.

John Kuehmayer


March 5, 2015

Progetto AMEM-Ferriera di Servola
Incontro con Johannes Kühmayer, AMEM
16 febbraio 2015


TRIEST NGO ha invitato a Trieste l’ing. John Kuehmayer, titolare della AMEM, azienda viennese di progettazioni tecnologica nel campo dei trasporti e della logistica, che ha esposto il suo progetto di piattaforme galleggianti da installare nella zona della Ferriera di Servola.

Il progetto prevede la costruzione di una piattaforma logistica proprio nel sito antistante la Ferriera che come ben sappiamo presenta una gravissima situazione di inquinamento. La piattaforma permette di ospitare circa 1.000.000 di TEU e di essere collegata, mediante linee ferroviarie, al futuro mega-hub di Vienna/Bratislava.

La proposta della AMEM è stata inviata anche all’autorità portuale, al comune, alla provincia, alla regione e agli uffici tecnici della Fincantieri, senza ottenere a oggi alcuna risposta in merito, né è stato instaurato alcun dibattito pubblico. Noi riteniamo invece che tale progetto vada invece analizzato, in quanto rappresenta una valida alternativa per la riconversione della Ferriera, in grado di garantire sia i posti di lavoro che la bonifica dell’area inquinata.


Progetto AMEM Ferriera di Servola


Ecco una dichiarazione di Kühmayer rilasciata il 15 febbraio 2015 a Trieste:

“Il mio nome è Johannes Kühmayer, della Austrian Marine Equipment Manufacturers (AMEM). Sono venuto qua nel 2012 per vedere come funziona il porto di Trieste e per vedere se era applicabile in questo porto la nostra idea di piattaforma galleggiante per i container. Per vedere se si poteva utilizzare a Servola il nostro progetto e l’idea era di costruire gli impianti presso la Fincantieri.

Trieste ha bisogno di avere un impianto che venga predisposto molto rapidamente perché non c’è molto tempo. L’idea è di avere un sistema galleggiante di piattaforma container con collegamento a terra. I moduli potrebbero venir costruiti facilmente a Monfalcone e poi trainati via mare fino a Servola. Il nostro impianto non interferirebbe in alcun modo con i progetti di Arvedi sulla sistemazione della Ferriera.

Trieste dovrebbe essere il punto terminale di un collegamento che partendo da Vladivostok e attraversando la zona di Vienna arriva in Adriatico. Praticamente nella zona di Vienna verrebbe fatto il passaggio dallo scartamento ferroviario largo-russo a quello europeo classico.

Il collegamento con Trieste dovrebbe essere basato sulle due nuove linee in costruzione del Semmering e del Coralm Alp. Trieste potrebbe diventare un centro di smistamento simile a quello di Rotterdam con un collegamento diretto tra Trieste e il Centro Europa.“


>> Source:


August 2016, 9th Edition

Autorità Portuale di Trieste - Servola Infrastructure Expansion Project

La gran parte dello studio è ora disponibile in Italiano

9th Edition, August 2016, 93 pages

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Servola Infrastructure Expansion Project

Subject and starting point of the AMEM Austrian Marine Equipment Manufacturers proposal for the conversion of the former Ferriera Lucchini area forming part of Trieste’s New Harbour into an intermodal container hub of intercontinental dimension, was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian (RŽD) and Austrian (ÖBB) Railways, together with partners in the Ukraine and Slovakia. The contract stipulates the extension of the broad gauge railway track (Transsib) from Košice in Slovakia to the Vienna-Bratislava region.

Vienna the Mega-Hub in Central Europe

This ambitious project of historical dimensions will transform Vienna into the most important European inland container hub at the crossroads from the North (Baltic Sea) to the South (Adriatic Sea) and from the Far East (Pacific Ocean) to Western Europe. Under the aegis of ÖBB INFRA, two mega tunnel projects (Semmering base and Koralm) are already under construction. They will eliminate the bottlenecks of the Baltic – Adriatic axis in Austria and open a “Hinterland” of enormous magnitude and economic significance to the Port of Trieste!

Trieste the Mega-Hub in the South of Central Europe

Driven by the dramatic situation in worldwide shipbuilding, and taking into account that Trieste will have to make up time, the AMEM study proposes a very large floating structure for the Trieste deepwater container terminal.

Very Large Floating Structures VLFSs are extremely environmental friendly, can be economically priced, will be earthquake resistant, and offer a serious alternative to conventional quays especially if sea levels are expected to rise. The “caissons” could be easily manufactured and towed from – for example – Monfalcone to Servola. Not a single truck loaded with sand and rocks – filling material for the conventional quays – will be driving along the “sopraelevata” , no pollution of the sea at all, full protection of the aquaculture farms in the Gulf of Trieste!

From the Pacific to the Adriatic Sea by rail and sea! Not a conventional solution! For sure! And it is containers primarily – no RoLa, no Motorways of the Seas, no TEN-T. Not at all an EU project! And - it will be mostly Italy’s respectively FVG’s and Trieste’s sovereignty and responsibility to build this unique port!

June 26, 2014

Green pro AMEM-proposal arguments

June 26, 2014
2 pages


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The AMEM Servola Intermodal Project is a novel, holistic and bespoke proposal for a future orientated, highly competitive expansion of the Trieste deepwater harbour, which could be technically realised within the shortest possible time and in a very environmentally friendly way ...

June 26, 2014

Anbindung des Hafens von Triest an den Container-Hub Wien-Bratislava, Schnittpunkt der Ost-West-Magistrale Pazifik-Atlantik (TRANSSIB) und der Nord-Südachse Ostsee-Adria.

January 2014 - 5 pages


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June 17, 2013

Regional Cooperation of the Alpe-Adria Maritime Clusters

Metin le fuarcîs insieme! Con le forze unite! Mit vereinten Kräften! Let us join forces!

3rd Revision 2013, 50 pages

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  • European Maritime Day Conference: First contacts between the maritime cluster in Northern Italy (FVG) and AMEM were established already during the Maritime Day in Rome in May 2009, when Marcello Guaiana from the Area Science Park in Padriciano near Trieste and Livio Marchesini from DITENAVE, Trieste had presented very attractive cluster initiatives under the leadership of the great industrial conglomerates in the region – FINCANTIERI and WÄRTSILÄ.

  • Region Friuli Venezia Giulia FVG

  • Region Austria

  • European Commission

  • Who is who?

April 8, 2013

Interior Architects and Designers in the Cruise Ship and Mega Yacht Industry

... MORE than a directory!

Completely revised and enlarged edition!
1st Revision, April 2013
65 pages


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Two days ahead of the Cruise Shipping Miami 2013, the 2nd completely revised and massively extended edition of AMEM’s "Interior Architects and Designers” had been finished. This publication is more than a directory! It is a bubbling source of information second to none!

The era of entertainment architecture, in other words the Las Vegas style is disappearing and trends are going much more in the direction of “chic” - an elegant, yacht-like appearance of cruise ships. Ironically enough it took the industry two decades to reinvent the “sun”. Outdoor architecture dominates indoor design! Old relationships between cruise line operators and designers / traditional architects are breaking apart, new designers go on stage! It has become an illogical industry. The more the industry opens up to lower income classes the more elegant is the appearance and the interior design of the new generation of cruise ships. The more ships are withdrawn from the balmy waters of the Caribbean and deployed in Europe all year round, the more frequent ships are crossing the cruel North Atlantic, the more outdoor space on board cruise ships is devoted to sun worshippers!

This trend is even reflected by the cruise lines’ name giving – Carnival Sunshine (ex Destiny) and RCCL’s Project Sunshine.

April 8, 2013

Cruise Ship Owners/Operators and Passenger Ship Financing & Management Companies

... MORE than a directory!

Completely revised and enlarged edition!
1st Edition, April 2013 - 100 pages


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“Cruise Ship Owners/Operators and Passenger Ship Financing & Management Companies” in fact is more than a directory! It is not only the most comprehensively and accurately structured listing of cruise ship owners and operators in the industry, but also a publication that unveils the shift in the ship financing sector and uncovers how fast the traditional financiers to the cruise shipping industry fade away and - seen from a conservative point of view - perverted forms of financing are gaining ground.

In todays oligopolistic mature cruise industry, in other words a situation where a handful of large firms account for a relatively large market share, the only way for a new cruise venture to succeed is to have very deep pockets – like MSC – or to meet a niche market demand – like Star Clipper, Seadream or Silversea Cruises. Gone are the growth years of the seventies, eighties and early nineties where the probabilities and rates of returns were a lot higher for start-ups.

The cruise industry is the most outsourced, non-US industry in America and the Western world! An outsourced industry is outsourcing its management obligations to cruise ship management companies! Everything what is left is cash management!

Established and potential Austrian Suppliers to the Cruise Ship and Mega Yacht Industry

9th Revised Edition
October 2012, 24 pages

88 potential and established suppliers of products from A - W  (Audio Visual to Wine Glasses) except food & beverage.


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Established and potential Austrian Suppliers to the Shipbuilding and Offshore Industry

6th Revised Edition
October 2012
42 pages


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July 12, 2012

European Pleasure Boat Exhibitions
2012 – 2013

June 2012
37 pages


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January 20, 2012
Sink positive!
Will the cruise shipping industry learn its lesson
from the “Costa Concordia“ disaster?

1st Edition, January 20, 2012, 3 pages

'Gargantuan' cruise ships 'terribly unstable'

Maritime Watch, Edited by Justin Stares
January 18, 2012,


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Communication 031

Queen Mary 2 - catastrophic explosion causes total power outage

1st Edition
December 2010
4 pages


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Communication 030

Carnival Splendor perplexes engine room safety experts

1st Edition
December 2010
5 pages


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Communication 027

Green shipping hype and high-risk cost saving measures must not compromise engine room safety

1st Edition
November 2010
10 pages


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Wishful thinking is governing green shipping strategies and decisions both in the European Union and in the IMO International Maritime Organization! Misguided by a legion of consultants, the emission debate focuses on the “input” of propulsion systems – the most common among them being internal combustion engines – instead of the “output” – the stuff that comes out of a ship’s stake!

When discussing marine fuels one should always bear in mind that internal combustion engines in general and marine diesel engines in particular never will become air purification plants!

Owners and charterers will be dealing with a vast array of different preferably biodegradable fuels and lubricants in the future, all requiring additional space and storage capacities apart from higher procurement costs. Future propulsion plants will need a high level of operational flexibility to handle different fuels for different ECA Emission Control Areas and operation on different liquid or gaseous fuels. Not to mention the missing storage facilities all over the world for different fuels and the establishment of a guaranteed supply system.

The current annual global supply of marine gas oil is about 15 million tons. The demand is expected to jump up to 60 million tons in 2015, as a result of the IMO rule! The shipping industry has well justified doubts about reliable supplies of low sulphur marine fuel within a relative tight timeframe for its more than 50.000 merchant vessels.

AMEM has been stressing the fact that a very essential element of the future marine fuel equation is missing – refineries! Are the refiners ready at all to invest billions of dollars to produce cleaner burning fuel for ship owners and operators being known for their proverbial cost mindedness!

At what cost? At what price?

January 2012

Fixed and Floating Offshore Installations, Mobile Offshore Units and other Floating Structures

Exploration, Drilling , Production, Transport and Marine Support Services

1st Edition
January 2012
98 pages

  • PART I Maritime Legislation

  • PART II Offshore Structures and Vessels

  • PART III Topside and Accommodation Modules/Containers

  • PART IV Abbriviations and Acronyms

  • Market Outlooks

> If interested in specific details please contact

December 18, 2011

NORWAY - Offshore Cranes and Lifting Appliances

International & European Maritime Legislation and Standardisation with special emphasis on the Norwegian petroleum activities sector

3rd Revised Edition
December 2011
28 pages


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September 6, 2011

DENMARK - Offshore Cranes and Lifting Appliances

Danish Offshore Legislation and Standardisation

2nd Revised Edition
September 2011
8 pages


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October 30, 2011

Europe’s marine equipment industry is in danger of being paralysed by

Red Tape (Over-Regulation), Class’ multiple certification and Know-how Transfer

1st Edition, October 30, 2011, 68 pages

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  • Preface. October 2011 by John R. Kuehmayer

  • Is red tape costing Europe its ideas? Europe’s marine equipment industry is in danger of being paralysed by red tape as it hemorrhages ideas to competitors in the East. Can it survive? August 2011 by Jake Kavanagh, ibinews

  • European Marine Equipment Manufacturing Industry strongly affected by Red Tape, Multiple Certification and Know-how Transfer. A Typical Case: Inboard SOLAS diesel engines deployed in life, rescue and tender boats as well as workboats and pleasure craft. February 2011 by John R. Kuehmayer

Technological leadership of Europe’s marine equipment manufacturing industry at stake!

September 2009
3 pages


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Austrian Recreational Craft Industry

Yachts, Sport and Leisure Boats made in Austria

by John Kuehmayer

1st Edition
February 2011
20 pages


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Communication 029

Punching above its weight - Austria’s Leisure Boat Industry

October 2010
by Jake Kavanagh, International Boat Industry


1st Revision, February 2011
10 pages

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Austria’s contribution to the global marine industry is in fact quite surprising!

A hallmark of the Austrian marine business is that many of the companies involved are family owned, with long and unbroken histories (“Mittelstand”). Small is beautiful! This applies not only to this landlocked country, but to its manufacturing sector too!

Austria’s lakes and the river Danube attract millions of visitors every year. However, due to the tight restrictions on the use of marine combustion engines, which are banned altogether in many areas , electric boating and sailing have become very popular.

AMEM is happy to publish a small directory on Austrian small ship, yacht and boat builders as well as suppliers of allied marine equipment well ahead of the Austrian Boat Show in Tulln, approximately 60km West of Vienna, 3 – 6 of March 2011.

Communication 028

Brussels throws in the towel on EU shipyards

Wednesday 25 August 201 by Justin Stares,
Lloyd’s List -


1st Edition, November 2010
6 pages

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IMO. What else?

COP15 Copenhagen, Denmark 7-18+ December 2009

Lessons learned from a lose-lose-lose situation? International dimension of the EC’s Integrated Maritime Policy at stake

1st Edition
January 2010
11 pages


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Communication 025

The European Union - Korea Free Trade Agreement must not be ratified in its present form!

AMEM – a candid advocator for the mature, Austrian marine equipment manufacturing industry

1st Revised Edition, April 2010, 15 pages


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South Korea’s “Act for the Promotion of the Component & Material Industries” and the “MCT Material & Component Technology 2010 Vision” forming part of a 10-years plan were setting an over-ambitious target of “more than 90 percent of domestic supply for shipbuilding in 2010” which is – no doubt – a mega trade barrier!

How could the European Commission turn a blind eye to such a legislation?

The Free Trade Agreement with South Korea was overhasty signed by the European commissioner for trade Catherine Ashton and the Korean Trade Minister, KIM Jong-hoon on the 15th of October 2009. The UK’s candidate for the job of a “High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy” desperately needed a diplomatic profile – regardless of the cost! That simple!

The current proposals give an unfair advantage to the Korean shipbuilding and marine equipment industry simultaneously setting a dangerous precedent for FTAs between the European Union and other major trading partners in the Far East, above all the Peoples Republic of China. Free Trade Agreements are more and more considered as useful tools to support the lame foreign policy of the European Union, as they are governed by a “give-for-free” mentality in order to achieve diplomatic pseudo success on the path to alleged global governance.

The tremendous success of the Korean shipbuilding industry is the result of an aggressive, bold, and militant trade and industrial policy indoctrinated by “Commando-Capitalism”, a unique partnership of the President and the Government of the Republic of Korea, SOBs large state owned banks, and the Chaebols, the huge industrial conglomerates! In the early 1960s, the Korean Government identified and designated shipbuilding as the strategic top priority for the enhancement of the nation’s economy! To achieve this ambitious goal, the government established the “Special Maritime Administration Committee “to render unbending and uncompromising full support for the development of the shipbuilding and equipment industry”.

A series of shipbuilding industry promotion laws were accompanying this strategy which ultimately culminated in an “Act for the Promotion of the Component & Material Industries” supported by the MCT Material & Component Technology 2010 Vision – a 10 years plan. At USD 43.1 billion in 2008, shipbuilding ranked first among Korean exports for the first time in history, outpacing automobiles and semiconductors! Irrespective of an unforeseeable, mostly speculation driven hype of unimaginable dimensions followed by extremely serious economic consequences, the Koreans will - strongly assisted by the Free Trade Agreement - reach their goal set for 2010 easily!

Communication 026

Freihandelsabkommen Europäische Union - Korea

Nachbesserung: Schiffbau und Zulieferindustrie

Aufzählung von Themenschwerpunkten

8 Seiten


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DG Enterprise IPR Conference

March 26, 2010 - Hamburg, Germany

AMEM Presentation

March 2010, 12 pages


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Maritime Defence Exhibitions 2007-2012

8th Revised Edition
October 2009
24 pages

Listing of all Navy Defence and Security Exhibitions worldwide


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Marine Accident and Casualty Investigation Boards

1st Edition
September 2008
28 pages


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European Maritime Authorities

2nd Revised Edition
February 2009
13 pages


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Maritime Authorities or Administrations are national agencies of the Member States, with a primary role in maritime safety, protection of the environment and maritime search and rescue.

Their responsibilities include among others:

  • Participation in the development of national and international maritime safety and environmental protection standards;

  • Provision of the national aids to navigation and navigational network – Vessel Traffic Monitoring Systems – including development and application of international navigational safety policy and standards;

  • Enforcement of operational standards for ships in their territorial waters to promote seaworthiness, safety and pollution prevention; 

  • Registration of ships under the national flag and keeping of records on ships subject to their national jurisdiction;

  • Enforcement of training standards and competency of seafarers and coastal pilots;

  • Maintaining maritime distress and safety communications services;

  • Coordination of SAR Search and  Rescue operations;

This AMEM publication gives an updated  listing not only of all the 25 Maritime Authorities of the European Union plus Norway, Iceland and even Switzerland, but also the accession countries like Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania. With the Faroe Islands, the Isle of Man and Gibraltar, the number of European Maritime Authorities comes to a total of 34 individual administrations which clearly demonstrates the "patchwork style" pattern of national maritime authorities in Europe. What a challenging situation for EMSA and the Member States with respect to the creation of a single European Maritime Administration!


Maritime Clusters in Landlocked Countries
Conference & Workshop

Liechtenstein Palace, Prague, Czech Republic
27 April 2009

> Link to the Video Archive of EU2009.CZ

AMEM Austrian Marine Equipment Manufacturers - Best Practice Landlocked Industry Association

AMEM Forerunner of a Maritime Cluster in Landlocked European Countries

1st Edition, April 2009, 26 pages

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Communication 018

Polish Shipyards

June 2005
21 pages


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Communication 023

Glossary of «Class» related terms, abbreviations and acronyms

January 2007
12 pages


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Communication 017

European Technology Platforms

Their contribution to the development of a European Research Area

April 2005
9 pages


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A vision elaborated by an EMEC driven working group and presented at the MIF Plenary Session in Naples October 2002

8 pages


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Communication 009

MED - Marine Equipment Directive.
Council Directive 96/98/EC as Amended

May 2004
4 pages


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Communication 010

MRA - Mutual Recognition Agreement on Marine Equipment between the U.S. and the European Commission

Signed February 27th, 2004

May 2004
4 pages


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Communication 019


June 2005
3 pages


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More Publications - for AMEM Members exclusively:

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights and the European Marine Equipment Industry

1st Edition 2006
28 pages


AMEM has been advocating the interests of the SMEs in general and the mature marine equipment manufacturing industry in particular over the last years. The committment of the European Commission was a rhetoric alibi quite often, while SME representatives have been complaining that neither their expectations in the EU research and funding programmes nor the protection of their industrial property were taken seriously into consideration. To the contrary – industrial property of SMEs has been draining primarily through technology transfer initiatives into Asia, the US and the rest of the world, governed by a "make friends by spending other people's industrial property" mentality.

This study is a try to extract and condense those aspects and issues of IPR which directly tackle the interests of the  manufacturing maritime equipment industry with regard to the major groups of industrial property rights:

  • patents

  • trademarks and branding

  • industrial design

  • utility models and

  • data bases

It clearly illustrates the schizophrenic approach of the Commission which stretches from a give-for-free approach to this problem - for example in the ICT Industry – to the establishment of a uniform internationally accredited Community law on industrial property rights in a way of protection as any other form of property.

Special emphasis is given to the fact that the European Commission in general has a very liberal approach to IPRs, while the US follow an explicitly pragmatic and protectionist philosophy. The position of China with respect to industrial property is clearly defined by the target for 2010 to increase the percentage of domestic supplies to the Chinese shipbuilding industry up to 80 percent!

Worldwide counterfeiting and piracy of European marine equipment are the proof for the technological leadership of this mature high tech industry. European leadership based on innovation has to be protected by efficient Industrial Property Rights otherwise the future of the marine equipment manufacturing industry will be in line with the criminal concepts for an advanced de-industrialisation of Europe!

European IPR legislation is fragmented for the time being despite some steps towards harmonisation. Every European Member State has its own Intellectual/Industrial Property Rights – not even Luxembourg and Belgium share a common right!

> If interested in specific details please contact

PLAN - People's Liberation Army Navy

Die Marine der Volksrepublik China

1st Edition 2006
29 pages


> If interested in specific details please contact

Cruise Ship Data Base - Lifeboats and Tenders

A documentation on more than 100 cruise ships with special emphasis on live saving appliances

1st Edition 2006

This study is part of a Cruise Ship Data Base with special emphasis on life saving appliances in particular lifeboats and tenders by maker and model deployed on more than 100 modern cruise ships larger than 10.000 dwt. The study was done exclusively for the members of AMEM and the manufacturers of lifeboats and tenders who have actively supported this work.

> If interested in specific details please contact

European Navies

Propulsion systems of modern naval surface combatants

1st Edition 2006, 29 pages

Europe is the leader in design and production of highly sophisticated naval surface combattants in the world. This study gives a browsy and condensed overview of the most modern aircraft carriers, large landing platforms, destroyers, frigates, corvettes and off-shore vessels as well as MCM units. Special emphasis was given to the propulsion systems with respect to availability and reliability under extremely demanding operational conditions.

> If interested in specific details please contact

Aurora Sleeping System

1st Edition 2004
36 pages

Following the major guidelines for AMEM’s activities, the chances for marketing and commercialising the revolutionary and patented Aurora sleeping system in commercial and naval shipping as well as on off shore platforms were carefully evaluated. The order was launched by an  innovation park in the province of Carinthia and has materialised in the first expertise carried out by AMEM.

> If interested in specific details please contact

U.S. Coast Guard

1st Edition 2004, 106 pages

This is a background study exclusively for the training of the Austrian Marine Equipment Manufacturers. Part I is dealing with the Fleet Legacy and the Integrated Deepwater System Program - the New Cutter Fleet. Part II describes the Seagoing and Coastal Platforms in particular the ice breakers, the seagoing and coastal tenders and the large patrol boats. Part III is dealing with inland and river tenders while Part IV is devoted to the small crafts and boats.
The study serves as a data base and describes not only all the seagoing cutters in detail but also the majority of the off-shore and coastal vessels and the port security boats.
For AMEM members exclusively.

> If interested in specific details please contact


1st Edition 2004, 78 pages

The Spanish Navy ranks as one of the most powerful in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and - while maintaining the ability to ensure the defence and control of national waters - will be focused towards operations in distant littoral scenarios. The Spanish Government has completed the strategic defence concept in 2003. The innovative aspects of the ARMADA XXI shipbuilding program are - apart from the most sophisticated combat systems and state-of-the-art shipbuilding technologies - enhanced logistics, automation, manning and life cycle reduction as well as future orientated maintenance and support concepts.

> If interested in specific details please contact

Republic of Korea Naval Defence Forces

1st Edition 2004, 52 pages

This study highlights the Republic of Korea Navy and the Korean National Maritime Police Agency. The ROKN is a fleet in transition from a coastal navy to a blue water navy capable to protect the Republic of Korea’s interests in the five big oceans providing interoperability with the naval forces of its allies.

> If interested in specific details please contact

Cruise Ship Data Base

A Documentation on more than 250 Cruise Ships >10000 dwt.


> If interested in specific details please contact

Royal Netherlands Navy

The RNLN as is stated in the most recent Defence White Paper always had an expeditionary capability. However, with the end of the Cold War, a requirement was set to increase this expeditionary capability and introduce new equipment for conflict prevention, crisis response and allied territorial defence. The Netherlands fleet is composed of modern platforms carrying excellent sensors and systems the majority of them designed and manufactured locally. Some of the main Dutch industrial players in navy shipbuilding are leaders in technology on a worldwide scale.

> If interested in specific details please contact

Wärtsilä Sulzer RT-FLEX

RT-FLEX Common Rail 2-Stroke Diesel Engines

In English and German.

> If interested in specific details please contact

MAN B&W ME-Series

”Intelligent“ Common Rail 2-Stroke Diesel Engines

In English and German.

> If interested in specific details please contact

CHINA - Fact Finding Mission

Fact Finding Mission in preparation of a comprehensive data base on the Chinese Shipbuilding Community.

> If interested in specific details please contact

KOREA - Fact Finding Mission

The very first study for AMEM members published in 1999.

> If interested in specific details please contact

AMEM Communication - Networking

AMEM serves as a platform for networking, promoting the exchange of market driven informations in many areas, accompanied by the idea of providing profound guidelines for future orientated management decisions.

Established at the beginning of 2004, this forum has commented papers like LeaderSHIP 2015, legal aspects like the MED Marine Equipment Directive and bilateral contracts like the MRA Mutual Recognition Agreement between the U.S.A. and the EC.

For AMEM Members only:

Communication 033

Offshore Cranes and Lifting Appliances
International Maritime Legislation with special emphasis on the Norwegian petroleum activities’ sector

May 2011, 19 pages

Communication 032

Die Linke - Schiffbaustudie der TUHH

Kommentar von J. Kühmayer, AMEM
Februar 2011, 10 Seiten

Communication 024

Lead companies involved in cruise ship new buildings employing CAT MAK M43C engines and their primary contacts

September 2008


Communication 022

Commission of the European Communities
COM(2005) 587 final 2005/0237 (COD)

August 2006


Communication 021

European Commission - Maritime Affairs - Green Paper

July 2006
Communication 020

Die Neue Hamburg Messe

January 2006


Communication 016 - Auswertung, Analyse und Kommentar der AMEM-Homepage und ihrer Präsenz im Internet

April 2005


Communication 015

KOREA Shipbuilding News 1

February 2005
Communication 014

Europäische Kommission – Neustart einer Industriepolitik?

February 2005


Communication 013

NEW Frequently Asked Questions on the Current Situation in Worldwide Shipbuilding and the Marine Equipment Suppliers Industry

February 2005


Communication 012

Republik Korea – Versuch einer kritischen Analyse für potentielle Investoren

November 2004
Communication 011

Korean Shipyards

October 2004


Communication 008

EU-Erweiterung am 1. Mai 2004. Zur Lage des Schiffbaus und der Zulieferindustrie in den Beitrittsländern

April 2004


Communication 007

MIF - Maritime Industries Forum

March 2004


Communication 006

Arbeitsgemeinschaften nach §16 WKG

March 2004


Communication 005

Die Informationstechnologie. Versuch einer Standortbestimmung

March 2004


Communication 004

Tribon Solutions

March 2004


Communication 003

Frequently Asked Questions on the Current Situation in Worldwide Shipbuilding and the Marine Equipment Suppliers Industry

March 2004
Communication 002

Mitteilung der Kommission an den Rat, das Europäische Parlament, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen KOM(2003) 717 endgültig

February 2004


Communication 001

Netzwerk staatlicher und nicht-staatlicher Organisationen in den Bereichen Schifffahrt, Schiffbau und Zulieferindustrie in Österreich

February 2004


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